White Wing & the Hunter

Illustrated By: Jacob Below

Listen while you read along! Thanks to Elderberry Tales. 

ONE DAY LONG AGO IN INDIA, a hunter came to large banyan tree. He knew it was a banyan tree because the branches drop all the way down to the ground, take root, form new baby trees in those very spots, and the whole thing becomes a thick mass of trees and roots. 

But the hunter was thinking something else when he saw the banyan tree.  “Ah!” said he. “That tree is not too high for me to throw my net over the top. I will catch a lot of birds today!”

So the hunter threw his net over the tree, where the strings of the net sank down into the branches so you couldn’t see the net anymore. Then the clever hunter threw grains of rice all over the leaves.  He knew that grains of rice were easy for a bird to spot, even from far away.

Just then, White Wing, King of the doves, was flying overhead with all of his doves flying behind him. He saw the banyan tree below. “Wow!” said White Wing, spinning around. “This is our lucky day! Look at all the rice in that tree.”

White Wing flew down to the banyan tree.  The doves spun around behind him and followed him to the tree, too.  But alas! As soon as they all landed on the treetop, each one was trapped in the net!

Someone was glad to see this.  “Well, well!” smiled the hunter. Look at all these doves! I will have myself a fine dinner and can sell the rest for a tidy sum.”

Seeing him, the doves cried out, “It is over for us!”

“Wait, wait!” said White Wing.  “There is a way for us to get free.  But we must act together.”

“What can we do?” cried a dove.  “The hunter is almost here!”

“What can we do?” cried a dove.

“Alone, none of us can lift this net,” said White Wing.  “It’s too big and heavy.”

“We know, we know!” cried the doves.

“But if we all fly up together at the same time,” said White Wing, “we can lift this net. We will fly it to the city, past these woods.  I know a mouse who lives there. He is a dear friend, and I am sure he will help free us by chewing through the net.”

“Look, the hunter!” cried a dove.

“Everyone,” yelled White Wing. “One, two, three — Now!”

At once, all of the doves flew up.  Together, they lifted the net right up out of the banyan tree.  

The hunter could not believe his eyes.  The net covered the birds and from where he stood it looked like the net was flying by itself up into the air!  

“Augh!!” he cried out, “it’s a curse!” The hunter ran away as fast as he could, flailing his arms and howling, “Cursed, I tell you!  The net is cursed!”

White Wing and the doves flew with the net over the woods and to the city.  There, Wing Wing found his friend the mouse, and the mouse freed them, one and all.



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