Pinocchio Bedtime Story

Thanks to Ava

All kids are invited to Illustrate a story for StoriesToGrowBy’s weekly broadcast on Facebook Live!  Each Saturday morning at 11am EST, storyteller Elaine Lindy announces the next week’s story.  Parents and caregivers, just tune in for the next Saturday morning’s broadcast at 11am EST –

You’ll hear the name of the next featured story announced.  Enter “Stories to Grow By” and the name of the story in Google.  You’ll see a link to the story on  Go to the story and your child is invited to illustrate any scene they like in the story. 

To protect the privacy of the child in your care, ask the child to write their first name only, age, and the City where they live, on the illustration.  Take a photo of it and email to  If you like, put in the subject line:  Facebook Live illustration.  And thank you for enriching the fairytales and folktales told from StoriesToGrowBy that deliver positive messages to kids!