How To Help Kids Have Fun While Learning

Children have two primary jobs when they’re growing up. They need to learn, and they need to have fun. While education can’t be a lot of fun all of the time, you might be surprised at how often children can enjoy learning.

Here are some tips to help adults teach children in a fun and engaging way, whether you’re at home, a daycare center, or at school.

Why It Matters

It’s important that children enjoy learning for a few reasons. First, and most obviously, humans are more likely to spend more time doing something that they enjoy. So, if a child has fun while they’re being taught something, they are more willing to engage in educational activities and more likely to learn independently. You can’t really have too much education.

But education is also more effective when it’s fun. If a child is sitting in a classroom for a few hours for a lecture and pays absolutely no attention to what’s being taught, they won’t benefit from it. But if they’re actively engaged in an activity that requires them to learn and apply a skill, it will stick with them for a long time.

Children also learn in different ways. So it’s beneficial to have a variety of ways to teach.

Learning Life Skills

As well as the basic education all children need, it’s important to give them a well-rounded education. This is where certain life skills come into play.

Some skills are much better learned from a young age compared to adults. For example, children can pick up languages more quickly, allowing them to become bilingual with much less effort than adults.

It’s also important to teach children how to cook, clean, get on with others, and otherwise look after themselves as they get older. Rather than teaching through lectures, teach through doing. Have your child watch and work with you so they can pick up these practical skills.


Some people love reading, while others don’t find it as interesting. In any case, it’s vital that you teach children how to read so they can navigate the world.

Start with stories that get their creative juices flowing and keep them engaged. That way, they have a vested interest in reading more and more. As well as being a great way to encourage children to read, stories have other benefits as well. They expose children to different ways of thinking and help them to be more empathetic to characters, as well as people in real life.

Learning Through Play

Most children love playing, and if you guide playtime, you can also encourage kids to learn through play. Play can develop creativity, problem-solving abilities, social skills, and physical skills.

While excess screen time is harmful to kids, you can use tablets for educational purposes. Some educational apps and games help children learn how to count, read, and solve simple puzzles. It’s always best to monitor young children when playing or using tablets and screens, of course.