Publisher’s Page & Usage Rights

Publisher’s Page & Usage Rights

Our Stories have been featured in textbooks all over the world!

Stories to Grow By’s stories have been published by Cambridge Press, Oxford University Press, & Houghton Mifflin Harcourt to name a few! They are also featured in State Assessments such as Florida, Utah, North Carolina as well as Nationwide tests such as the Common Core Assessment and ETS Winsight Assessment.

Can I download and use these stories or is there a problem with copyright?

This depends on whether you are (1) acting as an individual or an educator, (2) represent a non-profit organization, or (3) represent a for-profit organization.

    1. You’re acting as an individual or an educator:
      • You are free to print and use the stories on our website for your personal and/or classroom use. You are not permitted to re-publish stories on other websites or in print, and by all means you are not permitted to sell our stories. In other words, you have explicit permission to use the stories for private and educational use, but not for commercial use. Also, please do not remove or change the copyright information that appears on each story.
    2. You represent a non-profit organization:
      • Contact us and describe your intended use. A reasonable permission fee may apply, see our pricing structure below. Depending on your non-profit we may waive a fee in certain circumstances.
    3. You represent a for-profit, commercial organization:
      • Contact us and describe your intended use. A reasonable permission fee will apply, see our pricing structure below.

*Prices noted are for 1,000 prints/users/views and scale at a rate of 10% per additional 1,000 prints/users/views*

Please fill out the form below and include the following information:

  • Publisher/Entity Name
  • Method of publication (online/print/YouTube)
  • Scale and reach of your publication/outlet (including intended number of printed copies, readers, and subscribers)
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We will respond shortly. Thank you for your interest in Stories to Grow By!